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Endowed Positions

Endowed chairs, professorships, fellowships, and lectureships allow the Statler College to recruit and retain outstanding teachers, scholars, and researchers on a competitive basis. Endowments of all sizes can elevate the student experience through quality leadership and education opportunities that would not be possible without the generous support of our donors.

Dean Mago awarding an endowment

Glen H. Hiner Deanship

Funded by Glen H. Hiner
Position Holder: Pedro J. Mago


Robert E. Murray Chairmanship of the Mining Engineering Department

Funded by Robert E. Murray
Position holder: Qingqing Huang, MinE

George B. Berry Chair of Engineering

Funded by George and Carolyn Berry
Position holder: Xueyan Song, MAE

Charles E. Lawall Endowed Chair for Energy/Environment

Funded by Consolidation Coal Company and Glenna R. Pack
Position holder: Vacant

Electric Power Systems Chair

Funded by Allegheny Power Service Corporation, Appalachian Power Company, Duquesne Light Company, and Virginia Power
Position holder: Vacant

Statler Chair in Engineering for Natural Gas Utilization

Funded by Benjamin and Jo Statler
Position holder: John Hu, ChE

Statler Chair in Engineering

Funded by Benjamin and Jo Statler
Position holder: Xingbo Liu, MAE

Statler Chair

Funded by Benjamin and Jo Statler
Position holder: Pending

Dr. George B. Berry and Carolyn A. Berry Chair of Chemical Engineering

Funded by Carolyn A. Berry
Position holder: Rakesh K Gupta, ChE

Raymond J. Lane Chair for Computer Science

Funded by Raymond and Stephanie Lane
Position holder: Anurag Srivastava, CSEE

Verl O. Purdy Chair of Engineering

Funded by Verl Purdy
Position holder: Vacant


Jack H. Samples Distinguished Professorship of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Funded by William Samples
Position holder: Vacant

Maurice A. and Jo Ann Wadsworth Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Funded by Maurice and Jo Ann Wadsworth
Position holder: Hota GangaRao, CEE

Charles T. Holland Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Funded by Elmo Hurst
Position holder: Kashy Aminian, PNGE

Massey Foundation Professor of Mining Engineering

Funded by Massey Foundation
Position holder: Vacant

GE Plastics Material Engineering Professor

Funded by GE Plastics
Position holder: Debangsu Bhattacharyya, CBE

Syd and Felicia Peng Professor of Mining Engineering

Funded by Syd and Felicia Peng
Position holder: Vacant


Herbert P. Dripps Fellow

Funded by Herbert P. Dripps
Position holder: Hang Woon Lee, MMAE and Onur Avci, CEE

Stuart and Karen Goodman Faculty Fellowship

Funded by Stu and Karen Goodman
Position holder: Yuhe Tian, CBE

Pat Parsons Asphalt Faculty Fellow

Funded by Asphalt Pavement Association and Contractors Association of West Virginia
Position holder: James Bryce, CEE

Wayne J. and Kathy Richards Faculty Fellows

Funded by Wayne and Kathy Richards
Position Holders: Piyush Mehta, MAE, Oishi Sanyal, CBE and Nick Szczecinski, MAE

Statler College Visiting Committee Faculty Fellows

Funded by the Statler College Visiting Committee
Position Holders: Stephen Cain, CBE

Maurice and JoAnn Wadsworth Faculty Fellow

Position Holder: Kevin Orner and Emily Garner, CEE